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4 November - We warmly encourage registrations for the Live Web Stream - at the early bird price which has now been extended until the conference itself.

If you have registered for the conference at Te Papa – please note the dinner is still on – see details below.

From the Chair

He mihi nui ki a koutou and welcome everyone to this year's conference both those who are attending in person and the ever-growing number of attendees who are making use of the livestream option. Our theme for this conference is "celebrating 40 years of the Family Court", acknowledging the past but anticipating the future road ahead for us as family lawyers. Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua: "I walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed on my past". As family lawyers we are constantly challenged by the content of our work, and we have to be the pillar of strength for our clients. We have included in our programme recognition of the fact that lawyers do not operate in isolation from the pressures facing others in our communities and to provide our best representation to our clients we need to look after our own wellbeing as well. I hope that you will find the programme we have put together provides challenges to take into the future as an individual practitioner but also provides some expert teaching for your broader family law practice. Conferences are a time to take stock and refocus on best practice and have time dedicated to learning without the demands of our office. One of the highlights of the conference is the conference dinner which will take place again this year and gives us a great chance to step away from the pressures of our work life and catch up with our colleagues from around the country. I hope our beautiful city will shine over the few days of the conference and there will be time to get outside Te Papa and enjoy some of what our city has to offer. I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible. Tēnā tatou katoa.

Chair: Annette Gray, Buchanan Gray, Wellington

Keynote & International speakers

  • Edwin Freedman, Law Office of Edwin Freedman, Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Judge Victoria McCloud, A Master of the Senior Courts Queen's Bench Division, London
  • Her Honour Judge Jacquelyn Moran, Principal Family Court Judge, Wellington
  • Dr Tom Mulholland, Auckland Hospital, Auckland

Programme outline

Download the PDF brochure for a full outline of each session

Day 1
  • Keynote - Opening address - Principal Family Court Judge Jackie Moran
  • Keynote - How to live to 100 and stay out of the emergency department - Dr Tom Mulholland
  • Kaupapa Māori approaches to child protection and family law
  • * Breakout session 1
    A - Iwi hui process
    B - FDR and the Law: achieving meaningful outcomes
    C - Sustaining peak mental performance during uncertainty
  • Family Law Section update
  • The complexities of "relationship" in the welfare system and the consequences for children
  • Elevating the care and protection of tamariki: Public law advocacy
  • * Breakout session 2
    A - Our recipe for resolving relationship property disputes
    C - "It's the end of the world as we know it (and i feel fine)" - collaborative law: the future of family law?
  • Don't youTrustme, darling?
Followed by conference dinner
Day 2
  • Keynote - the experience of fairness - Judge Victoria McCloud
  • Recent family law reform work
  • Tatou Talanoa - let's talk: navigating the sea of cultural change
  • Hair testing for drugs in the Family Court: what can it do and what is the question to answer?
  • The implications of s7AA: making partnership work
  • * Breakout session 3
    A - Managing complaints
    B - Sword and shield: disclosure under the Trusts Act following separation
    C - To WON or not to WON - that is the question?
  • Hague cases in COVID times - Edwin Freedman

* Note only one breakout will be live streamed. Recordings of the others will be made available after the conference.

Learning objectives

In this conference you will be:

  • Updated on topical issues, legislation and case law.
  • Able to apply this knowledge in your practice.

Live Web Stream

This conference is available via live web stream, direct to your computer. Click here to find out more about web streaming.* Note only one breakout will be live streamed. Recordings of the others will be made available after the conference.
Please note:Live Web Stream registrations close3pm Wednesday 17 November.


Please indicate your selection upon registration:

  • Hard Copy - Your book will be given to you when you register on the day*- no extra charge
  • PDF- You will be emailed a PDF copy of the book 3 working days before the event- no extra charge
  • Both Hard Copy & PDF - You will be emailed a PDF copy of the book 3 working days before the event, and you can collect the hard copy book when you register on the day*- additional$30 charge

*Live web stream attendees - if you select hard copy or both - your book will be couriered to you.


Pre-conference Mihi Whakatau & Welcome drinksFLS logo
Unfortunately, due to social distancing requirements, the NZLS Family Law Section Mihi Whakatau & welcome drinks are not able to be held this year.

Conference Day 1 - Thursday 18 November
  • 8.00am - Registration
  • 8.45 - Sessions begin
  • 5.30 - Sessions end
  • 7.15pm - 12.00am - Conference dinner
Conference Day 2 - Friday 19 November
  • 8.45am - Sessions begin
  • 4.30pm - Sessions end

Conference dinner and dance

Dinner is at Te Papa so dress in your favourite costume to go back to the eighties – big hair, lycra, and shoulder pads!Dinner pic - shutterstock 510934129-544 Although social distancing means no dancing, the evening still promises an excellent dinner and drinks, a chance to relax with your colleagues, plus all the 80s originals from DJ Max who will also MC the evening – get ready for questions, quizzes and great prizes!

Thursday 18 November, 7.15pm-12am Te Papa

Please note: pre-dinner drinks are not able to take place due to social distancing requirements. Please arrive by 7.15 to be seated for entrees and drinks.

Additional guests: We regret that after 4 November we are unable to accept any more registrations for guests.

Free forum: Family Violence Dynamics - part 2

The Family Violence Dynamics Forum PART 2 will be held on Wednesday 17 November 10.00am – 4.30pm, at Te Papa and via live web stream. This FREE forum for family Lawyers is sponsored by the Ministry of Justice. The forum is being held on the eve of the Family Law Conference 2021, and is a separate event from the conference. It will have a practical focus to improve your knowledge and practice in both in client interviewing and in court. The forum is a must for all practitioners involved in family violence cases (or who might be in the future). Register for the forum now!


Wellington tends to get very busy in the latter part of the year and we recommend you book accommodation as soon as possible.

We recommend using an online hotel discount booking website, or contact your preferred accommodation directly.

The Doubletree by Hilton Hotel has provided a booking code for conference attendees: view info

Fee (incl GST)


  • $1,225 - NZLS members and Associate members
  • ​$1,325 - Non-members
  • Additional dinner guest $160

Live Web Stream

  • $1,065
  • 2+1 registrations click here for more info Registration by email only.This option must be selected at the time of registration and cannot be applied retrospectively

Do you want to register more than one person for this course? Use the Multiple Registration button below or  Click here

Download PDF brochure & registration form.

Cancellation & refund policy

You may cancel your registrationeight working days in advance of an event, and you will receive a refund less a25% administration fee. If you cancel less thaneightworking days in advance of the event, no refund is payable. If you are unable to attend, you may transfer your registration to another person. If you wish to do so you must advise CLE in writing of the change. NZLS CLE Ltd reserves the right to close registrations, and, cancel or reschedule an event as necessary. Where an event is cancelled by CLE, a full refund is payable.

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